Updated Infrequently. My Rants, My Ravings.My Polambals.My Travelogue.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Music : Dixie Chicks : Not Ready To Make Nice

Was talking to a colleague at work today.General discussion going on and at one point she was like, if she wasnt commited, she would have picked me. Was rather surprised.Long time since anyone said something nice to me, wht with ppl either telling me I look butt ugly, or picking up stuff from school to put me down.

The second thing had me rather upset for a bit. Being made fun of by a teacher in front of a while class ....never mind.But this one off hand remark, most prob not meant...has got me out of the dep :)

The first point also hurts, but wth. It isnt something I worry about too much.

But then the other thing was almost like..it made everything I have done since then, where I was and where I have come now seem pointless.Achievements screwed.

Never mind. Going back to sleep and praying for those in Mumbai.


The Inquisitive Akka said...

Yen da unume yezhidale??Write something!!and include me in the "blogs I read" :)

The Inquisitive Akka said...

You've been linked!

The Kid said...

I dont know your sitch, but I think I know exactly how you feel... coz, same here!

PS: nice blog man