Updated Infrequently. My Rants, My Ravings.My Polambals.My Travelogue.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Spent the last weekend in bangalore.Weather there was absolutely amazing.Only thing is the city is a bit too boring.Only two places (mg and brigades) where u can really hang out and then everybody hangs out there :P
Went to a few pubs, drank a lot of beer and did not get drunk :(
saw batman begins....the dude looks abso fuckn lutely constipated.Movie was ok.not too great.
Slept the whole of sunday.Was god.Plus something about the place that makes u get this real great sleep :D
blossoms in blore has this amazing collection of used books.spent a few hours there and picked a few up.
The whole of this week has been something of a blur.our manager from the USofA came down.On thursday we went to Green Park for lunch.Wasnt too great.Place is so hidden in the middle of the city :D
Yesterday was dinner at fisherman's cove.Food was ok....played criket on the beach as well.Fun evening only thing being we dint get to have time to have a drink.
becoming one kudikaran only i am :D
At the cove u have this place that serves you fresh sea food.Fresh as in live lobster that you choose from a bunch and then they cook it for you.will post the pic if my comp ever recognises my fone :P
Ok.Three hours later and a nap later my fone is recognised.will post the pics here :P
The images are not too great, but they are from a phone cam that isnt too great :P

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us">" border="0" alt="" />
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us">" border="0" alt="" />
Tried out some html here as well but not too sure if it will work well.
The chefs all lift the lobsters carefully by the antennae....cos the lobs snap and apparently if u do get snapped "nothing will happen.only two days it will pain".

Will write more later.Have a lot to think about before i write :)

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