Updated Infrequently. My Rants, My Ravings.My Polambals.My Travelogue.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A Milder Interpretation...

What I had forgotten about what was this.

Lately a lot of people,principally the vc of Anna Univ and few of my college types (that i know of) are going aroud saying that when someone finishes studying enggineering in one branch,they shoul stick to it and then work only in it.Otherwise they are doing a grave sacrilege.

Lets face facts....most of the people in engineering are there because they think that there is not much of a future in other branches of study.For most part engineering grads are able to get decent jobs almost immediatly after passing out if they have any sort of actual intelligence.This is taking into cosideration that many of the afore mentioned people dont actually know anything about their core subject.

I dont know much in E&E.I did not even want to do anything like E&E,CSE or IT.I wanted to do mech.But i ended in EEE.So i studied the subjects,cleared the exams and now am working in a software company.So are most of my classmates.

I dont see why this makes us traitors of any sort.This field is the one with the most opportunities in any case.The pay is decent.The prospects of future advancement are good as well.

I dont give a shit about what one does for a living and whether what he does for a living has anyhitng to do with what he or she studied in college.Bottom line is are you happy doing what you are? If you arent, stop cribbing and telling people what to do.Shut ur trap and lets see you first leave the industry and take up a lesser paying job in ur core field.Even after that dont disparge others who dont want to stick to theie core subjects....they made a choice and its theirs to make.Dont pontificate and tell us we are shit.

I love what i do.*line removed due to sensitive nature of information*.I sure as hell would not be happy with any shitty bus bar and stuff.

Plus today i found that a bad dream about death means good stuff gonna happen.Not necessarily a wedding :P :P


Murali said...

R u by any means trying to suggest that ur wedding is on the cards?? ;)

N yah!!! the reason why these people keep cribbing that students should actually be working in industries that are related to their particular subject is probably due to lack of technical skill and quality man power in those industries.

Mech, EEE and ECE students can effortless walk into the IT industry. But is it possible for a typical CSE or IT engineer to do a mech engg's job.....NOPE...

But again, the questions of job satisfaction does arise and i believe thats the core issue. If a MECH-ie is not interested in working in his field, u really cant blame him... After all v all have the right to decide what v r gonna do in life rt?

Marc said...

Any updates soon to come??